divendres, 28 d’octubre del 2016


ESCOTT, John: Sisters Love.  Oxford. Stories For Reading Circles. Bookworms. Club Bronze, 1992.
My favorite character is Karin, because she is very beautiful, and she has many boyfriends, she is very young.
This story is about two sisters, they are Karin and Marcia. Karin is the younger sister, she is beautiful, and she has many boyfriends. But Marciaa is the opposite. They lived with their father. Marcia has got a boyfriend, his name is Howard, and Karin stole her boyfriend, but Marcia didn't know it. When Marcia discovered this story, she pushed Karen, and she slipped and fell down the wall, and hit in the ground, because is Karin's hands, had suntan oil, and she died.
I liked the book because in the class, I didn't read the book I understand better.
Resultado de imagen de club bronze

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